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3. 3. 2021

Vláďa Mišík

Ing. Vladimír Mišík, 50 years old, businessman Hi, my name is Vláďa. This year, I celebrated my 50th birthday. I live in the northern Czech Republic, in a village close to Most. I co-own a construction company, just to tell you what I’m built of.…
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3. 3. 2021

Zdeněk Martínek

I’m an old lone wolf who lives and hunts alone in remote wastelands, where echoes of wolf howls and dog barks barely reach. Weary from my long journey, I wander back, through the black of night, towards my abode, where I  gather strength again. I…
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3. 3. 2021

Tonda Liebel

I might not be a clear-cut bikepacker, or any other type of cyclist for that matter, but I definitely can’t live without a bike. It allows me to travel, feel free, and rejoice in not having to think for a moment. I don’t have many…
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3. 3. 2021

Standa Valdman

I took up cycling only after I had to quit football. I come from the Šumava area, where I still live. The mountains there offer a range of beautiful and interesting places, easy and difficult tracks, and little hills with gorgeous views. I was always…
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3. 3. 2021

Pepa Horák

I’m a guy who likes challenge, adventure, and nature. I’m somewhat of a loner, who rarely ventures out into civilization. I’m Pepa Horák
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3. 3. 2021

Pavel “MARGL” Macháček

I’m middle-aged and already have a lot behind me. I’ve been doing sports my whole life, but bought my first bike only in my second year in university. I immediately got into racing, which I’m doing to this day. I just exchanged Soběšická Mulda races,…
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3. 3. 2021

Ondřej “MOHY” Mohyla

I was into group sports all my life, such as volleyball, softball, and others.  After that, I started running long-range races and a friend of mine was constantly talking about a race called Loudání, how great it was, and that we need to try it,…
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3. 3. 2021

Martin Čunát

Hi, my name is Martin Čunát and I come from Lužické hory. I had more fun outdoors than with books since I was a kid. I learned to ride a bike quite early. It didn’t take long until my first cycling injuries – broken teeth,…
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2. 3. 2021

Martin Bicenc

Even when I’m racing, I consider myself a traveller on a bicycle. I was born during the commie era, on September 17, 1980. Since I was little, I was into orienteering, but after troubles with my back, I had to look for something else, so…
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