Pavel “MARGL” Macháček
I’m middle-aged and already have a lot behind me. I’ve been doing sports my whole life, but bought my first bike only in my second year in university. I immediately got into racing, which I’m doing to this day. I just exchanged Soběšická Mulda races, with 15km of length, for nonstop ultra-marathons without support. Although, to this day I still sometimes take on the three 5km laps of Soběšická Mulda, attempting for the podium which keeps eluding me there.
Here are some of my main achievements. Clicking a link will bring you to an entry about the race:
-By finishing the Arizona Trail race, I was the first foreign bikepacker to be on the Triple Crown of Bikepacking finishing list. Learn more here.
-I finished a tour across two of New Zealand’s islands – Tour Aotearoa 2020
-1st place finish at the premiere of the winter race Spirála 2020 across 307km with elevation of 4536m. You can read the report from the race here.
-2nd place finish at Loudání Českou Krajinou 2020 – 680km in 2 days, 23 hours, and 38 minutes; just under 3 days
-2nd place finish at Loudání Českou Krajinou 2018 – 700km in 2 days, 11 hours, and 59 minutes; just under 2 and a half days
-3rd place finish at the Arizona Trail 2019 – 1340km, heat, mountains, Grand Canyon, the longest singletrack in the world finished in 9 days and 5 and a half hours.
-4th place finish at the Holyland Challenge 2019 – 1526km from Golan Heights, through Negev desert, around the Dead Sea, all the way to the southern port of Eilat.
-Two 1st place finishes at the premier year of WOLFman MTB 555km and WOLFman Snow 222km races in 2017; a year later I finished last, meaning 2nd, in the truly extreme SnowWOLFman; you can read the report here.
-9th place finish at Tour Divide 2016 – 4400km (2713 miles) in 18 days, 15 hours, and 53 minutes, which is the new Czech record by 1 hour and 23 minutes.
-7th place finish at the Highland Trail 2017 – 550 miles, a new Czech record, in 4 days, 1 hour, and 50 minutes.
-7th place finish at Italy Divide – 936km in 3 days, 14 hours, and 53 minutes.
-25th place finish at Colorado Trail Race – 1340km across central Rocky Mountains, overcoming mountain fever and 25km of elevation in 8 days and 7 and a half hours.
-8th place finish overall and victory in the over 40 category at the 1000 mil Československem race in 2014, finished in 10 days, 4 hours, and 53 minutes.
- Filip Degl 4fitness
- the Ariga s.r.o. company obchod Kronium
- Asamm Software, s.r.o. manufacturer of the best navigation app called Locus
- John Jelínek a friend since high school and a proud member of the Margl bike team.